WAT Educational Expeditions
This school trip out of your Syllabus. Develop yourself inside Share life love peace to the world.
So what's an Expedition?
WAT Expedition is a school trip with more. More adventure, more giving back, more ownership from students and more planning and support for teachers.
A 3-4 week journey through a developing country, our Expeditions inspire all kinds of things. A new perspective. Gratitude. Mindfulness. They also allow high school students to give back to a community abroad, through a rewarding project they help plan before they go.
Who can go?
Expeditions are open to high school students around the world . Typically, we will work with your school to organise a tailored trip, so listen out for details from your teachers! If there isn't a trip running at your school, or you are looking for ways complete the Duke of Edinburgh Award, you can sign up as an individual to our Explorers program! Download our most
up-to-date Explorers Guide here.
Are you a school teacher or Principal? Head on over to our educators page.
Fast Facts
Around the world high school students.
All year round dependent on climate and destination.
The average trip length is 3 to 4 weeks.
You set the itinerary! The places you visit, the project you complete and trek you take on.
Sign-up to take-off can be from 6 to 18 months due to planning and prep.
You travel with a team of students from your school, a teacher and an Antips Leader. You can also sign up to our Explorers program as an individual.
Trips run to all four corners of the world from Peru to Vietnam. Read about our awesome destinations here.
What's on the itinerary?
While you will design your own trip there are always three core elements you can look forward to:
A community service project
A thoroughly researched and hands-on project will form a central part of your expedition. Guess who gets to decide what you’ll be doing? You do. During this component, you’ll work directly with a local community, helping to build or renovate school buildings, improve the infrastructure around the community (like building a well or a bridge) or get your hands dirty laying the foundation for a greenhouse or vegetable garden.
The trek
Experience the natural beauty of your destination with an inspiring trek through local terrain. Whether it be the mountain tops of Nepal or the jungles of Borneo, you’re bound to discover the most breathtaking places on Earth. If you’re worried about your fitness, don’t be. Everything will be up to your team. From the length of the trek to the pace you walk it, you choose.
Exploration and travel
Unlike the typical school tour or family holiday, you and your team will have the chance to actually plan your itinerary and make the trip your own. Travelling backpacker style, you explore the sights of your choosing, experience the local culture and have the adventure of your lives.
Go do it! Whatever it takes, you have to go. It’s a life changing experience that you will never forget.
Samantha Wilson, Student at Iona College (India Expedition)
Your personal guide
One of the best ways to travel is with a guide. You’ll get one with us, but we call them leaders. Why not guides? Because they’re so much more. Unlike other travel companies we don’t hire overseas people to pick you up at the arrival gate and show you around. Our leaders are Australian and New Zealand locals who work closely with you beforehand (at planning sessions and on the training course) and fly the whole way there and back with you.
We’re picky on who we choose to represent us. Being a leader is not a quick cash job, it’s integral to your preparation and trip. Our leaders have been around the world, studied a degree or four and completed enough wilderness training to make Bear Grylls proud. You’ll be led by marine biologists, entrepreneurs, firefighters, school principals, emergency rescue pilots, professional soccer players and academics. Some are even Insta famous. We can confidently say our leaders are the best in Australia and New Zealand, hands down.
We prepare you like no one else
Your journey begins well before bags are packed. With more prep and planning than other school trips, we’ll spend anywhere from 6 to 18 months researching, planning and organising every detail of the trip with you. We guide you through preparation activities, help decide what community to help, project to accomplish and where to trek. All this planning (10 individual meetings to be exact, but who’s counting?) builds up to a two-day training course and a travel simulation day—both which will give you a taste of what’s to come when you finally head overseas. What does a two day training course look like? Epic. But don’t take our word for it, check it out below.
You add a layer to yourself as a person, learning more than you would in a year of school. Other cultures enrich and enlighten you to the true extent of diversity in our world. Worth every cent.
Jack Saunders, Student at Wellington College (Peru Expedition)
We’re different and because of that, you can be too
Parents may ask why you’re choosing an Expedition over a standard school trip, often followed by “it’s cheaper” or “What are you going to get out of it?”
Tell them this.
Humility. Understanding.
We started Antipodeans because we believe travel makes you a better citizen of the world. Why? As Mark Twain once wrote, “travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” Can you imagine how different the world would be if everyone travelled? We can.
Perspective. Fearlessness. Independence.
Reed Hastings (founder of Netflix) was once asked how he was able to push past the fear of risking everything to build his ground-breaking startup. He reflected on his time abroad with the Peace Corps, saying “once you’ve hitchhiked across Africa with ten bucks in your pocket, starting a business doesn’t seem too intimidating.” We couldn’t have said it better.
Confidence. Purpose. Perseverance.
Travel gives you time to step out of life and look at it in new ways, to experience how people do things differently—often with less—and to learn from new cultures and customs. What you take away from those moments stays with you forever. Steve Jobs once said of his time in India, “I didn’t have a dorm room so I slept on the floor in friends’ rooms, returned coke bottles to buy food and walked across town every Sunday to get one good weekly meal at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. Much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on.”
Get inspired. Read about some of the amazing countries we go to: Borneo, Cambodia, India, Peru, Vietnam and Thailand.
“We sent away our children and in return received young adults who have a better outlook and appreciation of humanity. It was well worth the investment. Thank you to all involved.”
Len Felesina, Parent of Student at Rockhampton Grammar School (Vietnam Expedition)
Creating extraordinary memories
Creating experiences you can’t get anywhere else starts with conducting trips like no one else. Every program is aligned with our vision, a code of conduct and UN sustainability goals—including the universal sustainability principles of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
We are the first school based expedition travel company in the world to be accepted as a Participant in the United Nations Global Compact.
Our code of conduct
Use business as a force for good
Work towards a long-term vision whilst being aware of the impact we have on our planet.
Have good governance in place to plan, manage and understand our impact.
Build awareness in our travellers, suppliers, staff and stakeholders on their social and environmental responsibilities.
Continue to partner with responsible tourism providers and ensure all stakeholders adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct.
Support local
Respect the local customs and cultures of every community we visit.
Provide employment and training opportunities for local people.
Use locally owned infrastructure for transport and accommodation.
Aim to spread the distribution of financial benefits fairly amongst local people, communities and operators.
Adhere to sustainable tourism best practice
Ensure ongoing support for communities and longevity of projects.
Listen to the needs of communities first and foremost.
Continue to align with United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
Promote environmental and social responsibility
Work towards the protection of the environment, both locally and globally by using resources in an efficient, fair and responsible way.
Design our programs to limit the physical impact on our planet.
Protect the human rights of staff, travellers, suppliers and local communities, as well as other stakeholders impacted by our business, treating all with fairness and respect.
Promote equity across our global community and protect our most vulnerable societies.
Support and encourage fair employment practices.
Protect animal welfare
Promote responsible tourism and encourage customers to be animal friendly travellers.
Protect wild and domestic animals used in tourism by not offering or promoting venues where animals are exploited.
Maintain our pledge to World Animal Protection.
We are the first high school expedition company in the world to be accepted as a Participant in the United Nations Global Compact.
The UN sustainable development goals
UN Sustainable Development Goals are the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative. Our programs are aligned with these, including the universal sustainability principles of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
As a result, Antipodeans’ students, schools, and parents are part of a worldwide movement with real and lasting purpose. By participating in our programs you are contributing towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.
The specific goals we are working towards are:
No poverty
Zero hunger
Good health and wellbeing
Quality education
Gender equality
Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Reduced inequalities
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and infrastructure
Climate action
Life below water
Life on land
Peace, justice and strong institutions
Partnerships for the Goals
For more information, see the goals in full on the UN website.
We’re passionate about shaping the next generation. If you are too, get in touch.